Uncomfort threshold: measurement & standard values
The discomfort threshold describes the volume above which a sound at a certain frequency is perceived as unpleasantly loud. The most pleasant hearing range therefore lies between the discomfort threshold and the hearing threshold, i.e. the lower limit of audible tones. The pain threshold is to be distinguished from the discomfort threshold - this is to be defined as the lowest sound pressure level that people perceive as painful and is around 137 dB.
Uncomfort threshold measurement
For the measurement, the discomfort threshold is recorded for each audible frequency with sine tones or narrowband noise. The measurement is always included in the hearing test, as it provides assistance in the diagnosis of hearing loss. The increasingly louder sounds are played to the patient using headphones and both ears are tested separately. The patient gives a signal as to when they perceive the sounds as unpleasantly loud. The values for the respective frequencies are entered graphically in the audiogram and then evaluated.
Uncomfort threshold standard values
Normally, the discomfort threshold is around 90-110 dB, but perception is individual. In general, the discomfort threshold is about 20 dB below the pain threshold.