Ear diseases - inflamed ear canal
Therapy, symptoms and causes of an ear canal inflammation
When the ear canal in the ear is inflamed, the inflammation is usually allergic, fungal or bacterial. Not only the skin itself, but also the subcutis in the external auditory canal is affected. Sometimes even the drumskin or the entire auricle is still inflamed. In this case, it is called myringitis.
This article gives you information on the topic of ear canal inflammation. You will learn everything about the development, as well as about the causes of an ear canal inflammation. We explain the symptoms and everything about diagnosis at the doctor and therapies. Our hearing aid experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to write or call us. Our advice is non-binding and free of charge.
How does an auditory canal infection occur?
Microtrauma is often the trigger for auditory canaliculitis. A typical example is minor injuries to the skin that occur, for example, when the ears are intensively cleaned. A cotton swab is usually used for this purpose. Then the auditory canal skin is damaged, which has the above-mentioned consequences.
Also allergic reactions and sensitization of the skin can be the reason. This is often caused by certain hair shampoos or other artificial agents. Examples are soaps or hair sprays. Also increased bone formation, or a chronic middle ear infection can be responsible for the above mentioned condition. Ear canaliculitis can even be caused by dermatitis, psoriasis or neurodermatitis.
The symptoms
Typical symptoms of ear canaliculitis include severe itching, or even severe ear pain, which can follow. These are especially felt when you chew something or sit in a draft. Also the sound transmission in your ears can be disturbed. As a result, you can perceive the sounds only muffled. They are neither clear nor distinct. Sometimes your ear canal is also swollen due to an accumulation of mucus. This type of inflammation can be either dry with corresponding scales or in a weeping form with a secretion. In very rare cases, even the surrounding bone tissue is affected.
The diagnosis of otitis media
The first thing you should do is have your ear canal palpated and inspected. A doctor will do this. Possibly, namely, an abscess or a boil is the reason for the whole. It is necessary to check whether there is pain when the auricle is pulled back. In any case, you should consult your ear, nose and throat doctor. He must take a closer look at the inflammation. Possibly also a hearing test and a check, or a smear or a cleaning of the auditory canal will help.
How is an auditory canal inflammation treated?
It is important that the swelling in ear canal inflammation goes down and that unrestricted hearing can be restored. Possibly, the conditional hearing loss is then reduced. The first thing should therefore be a cleaning of the auditory canal. As soon as there is a clear finding on the part of the doctor, creams or ointments with the appropriate medicine can be used. If the case is severe, sometimes the administration of antibiotics is necessary. In most cases, however, the inflammation is relatively easy to control and treat.